Saturday, October 5, 2019

500 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

500 - Essay Example Here I will assign the extra time by seeing the nature of the activity. The main purpose of this section is to streamline the time and allocate the enough time resources project. Now I will discuss critical and non-critical activities, and their effect upon the shortest time needed to complete the project. Like we can save time from the activity of â€Å"call for nominations† we can have 3 days from this activity. Then in the â€Å"organize record sheets† task we can save 2 days. From the â€Å"ask for officials to volunteer† task we can have 2 days. We have saved overall 7 days out of 71 days project. In this project of the sporting event I have discussed the main events and tasks that we have to carry out regarding overall project implementation. Here I have tried to carry out activities in such a way that the there is no conflict among the activities in any scenario. Here I have also implemented the project management activities like WBS, OBS and

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