Sunday, February 9, 2020

Council of Trent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Council of Trent - Essay Example This paper looks at four themes of the Council of Trent. The themes are, Reformation, Interpretation of Scripture, Condemnation of Corruption in the Church, and Faith and Works. Reformation The reformations that were executed by the Council of Trent were meant to ensure order and efficiency in the Catholic Church and also to curb rampant corruption in the church. The following are the reforms that were made by the Council of Trent. First, the council decreed that bishops must live within their diocese. The bishops also were prohibited from buying or selling religious offices. This measure was meant to curb the common practice of appropriating church properties by the rogue bishops. It was also decreed that each bishop had to establish a seminary within his diocese. This was meant to ensure that there were training facilities, within each diocese, for the candidates for priesthood. The council also decreed that candidate for priesthood had to be firmly grounded in Theology, the candid ates also were required to lead a virtuous life (The Council of Trent (1545-1563): Roman Catholic Church, Web.). ... By this decree the council fathers in the Council of Trent meant that it is the Magisterium only, the official teaching office of the church, has the authority to interpret the Holy Scriptures. The members of the Catholic Church are supposed to abide by the church interpretations of the Scriptures, and not any other interpretation. This directive was meant to cushion the catholic believers from the erroneous and heretical interpretations of the Holy Scriptures. This decree on the interpretation of the scripture reinforced the position of the Magisterium as the official teaching office of the church. Condemnation of Corruption The fathers in the Council of Trent condemned the selling and buying of religious offices. This corrupt practice was known as Simony. And to curb this crime, the fathers put in place a clear declaration against buying and selling of religious offices (The Council of Trent: Bull of Indiction, Web). The council fathers also condemned the abuse of indulgences by th e clergy, and to curb this vice, the fathers reaffirmed the efficacy of the indulgences and put in place cautionary measures to ensure that indulgences are not misused for selfish gains by the clergy. Faith and Works The fathers of the Council of Trent taught that both faith and works/action were instrumental for justification. The fathers decreed that justification depended on the sacrament of baptism, co-operation with infused grace, and good works. The fathers of the council supported their view with St. James teaching that faith without good works is dead, Jms. 1: 26.This position of the fathers of the Council of Trent was diametrically opposed to

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