Monday, May 18, 2020

Overpopulation The Only True Environmental Problem Essay

In today’s society that we live in, there are countless of environmental problems that we face, such as global warming, fishing, pollution, and many other topics of that matter. These issues have affected our environment for the worse and have caused problems physically and economically. Yet, out of all the issues that effects our world on a daily basis, it is shown that overpopulation is one if not, is our biggest issue in our environment that is only getting worse due time, especially due to the rapid growth of the human population and the limited resources that are left on earth that we absolutely need to tend to our growing population. Even Dr. Charles A. Hall, who is a systems ecologist, states that, â€Å"Overpopulation is the only†¦show more content†¦The characteristic of acid rain is when it falls; it tends to eat away anything it particularly lands on. Damages can range from a variety of things such as weather, soil, and the cycles of a bunch of animals and plants. Acid rain also tends to contaminate lakes and even drinkable water which can be unhealthy for people in those areas where acid rain contaminates bodies of water. If acid rain contaminates the drinking water, it could potentially get people sick and take lives. Acid Rain has countless of effects that can directly negatively affect humans and our environment. Overpopulation has also increased industrial development, which goes hand to hand with higher living though, the increase in industry development will take away the amount of freshwater that would be available due to the continuous dumping of industrial waste being dumped into fresh water, also, in having a major increase in industrial development, we end up causing a major decrease in natural wildlife sue to the fact of building over open spots in nature to expand. Increase in industrial development would also cause hi living standards which generally makes people want to consume more resources which then creates even m ore waste and tends to increases the life expectancy which gives a negative effect on tryingShow MoreRelatedOverpopulation Is Not The Problem1395 Words   |  6 Pages Overpopulation Overpopulation is a prominent controversial topic among society, in which some believe the exponential growth of humanity is detrimental to its future, whereas others conclude this theory is a myth due to human nature and resources. In Isaac Asimov’s, â€Å"The Case Against Man†, he elucidated the verity of overpopulation, emphasizing that the disproportion of earth’s carrying capacity and its resources will inevitably lead to humanity’s demise. Introducing the notion thatRead MoreConsumption Overpopulation and Its Effects on the Environment1082 Words   |  5 PagesConsumption Overpopulation Think about a sign that says EARTH Max Capacity 10 billion. 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