Saturday, July 27, 2019

Management of Organisations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management of Organisations - Assignment Example 1.) Therefore, organisational performance should be measured. Assessing an organisation's performance also helps to determine whether or not the company has a clear mission (one that addresses the needs of a particular marketplace) and whether or not people on all levels of the organisation understand the mission. Assessing the performance also allows the organisation to review the mission statement and to determine if the mission is referenced when developing organizational strategies. Assessing an organisation's performance will help to determine the procedure and processes that are set in place and whether or not these are in compliance with federal, state, and local laws. Examining the current ethics compliance programs (if there is one) and the processes which are set in place to assess compliance with accounting and financial management system helps to determine if the system that human resource uses is effective. Examining how the organisation measures employee satisfaction and how it handles employee satisfaction and how the processes of accreditation and certification operate along with their effectiveness can be determined by the assessment of an organisation. These methods are just some way that a manager can assess internal environment of an organisation. organisation is service oriented and its focus is on the c... The organisation is service oriented and its focus is on the clients. Fitness First is the largest health club operator in the UK and Europe. Having grown from a single health club, twelve years later Fitness First has 1.2 million members in fifteen countries. There are 166 Fitness First clubs in the UK, which is the focus of this case study. They provide top-quality service and equipment at a value price in a non-intimidating environment. Regardless of an individual's current fitness status, they offer the opportunity to improve his/her fitness level.Fitness First strives to deliver its members the best experience each and every time he/she walks through their doors. It was found that the customer service to clients is impeccable. Through word-of-mouth, feedback, increased membership, etc. the assessment of this portion of the organisation was excellent. However, the assessment of employees, staff, and policies regarding staff were assessed, the results were not the same. The company pl aced much emphasis on meeting the needs of its clients which left a gap in meeting the needs of its employees. Perhaps by implementing Investors in People, the largest health club operator, which caters to people can also provide cater to their people (employee) and reach its objectives more effectively. Management 4 In order to improve the company's weaknesses, based on findings during the assessment, the company decided to invest in its staff and employees in addition to investing in its clients. Taylor & Thackwray, (1996:1), as cited in Scutt (1998) stated that, "Investment in equipment depreciates whilst investment in people appreciates". As this quote points out, investing in people will deliver a huge return.

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