Monday, July 22, 2019

Transportation In Houston Essay Example for Free

Transportation In Houston Essay The problems of transportation in our city have a series of branches that all affect us. We, as Houstonians have the duty to contain our city as beautiful and healthy as we can. This is part of our past, present, and our feature, not only for us but also of our love ones that are yet to come. It is very important that we as human being that live in this community do something to protect our environment and reduce risks for further generations. Do you think that there something we can do to stop this shortage of transportation? There are many different problems in our environment that affect everyone around the community. Transportation in Houston is a severe problem that we have now in days. This is a problem in our community that divides into a series of arguments that we are trying to fix. It does not necessarily have to fit in our lifestyles, as long as we set time out in our busy life to take care of the environment. It does not have to be something that relates to your career as long as it is something that you like to do. I am very interested in setting sometime out of my job, to take care of my community. Even if they do not relate, I understand that in doing so it can help provide a better feature for the next generation. As a Houstonian, it is very important for me to try to find a way to expand the transportation in Houston. By decreasing the transportation, the pollution produced daily will also decrease as well as the traffic. Increasing public transportation is a good way to reduce all these risks. In my own experience, I have seen how public transportation is very efficient. In my Colombia, we use public transportation as a way to get around to many different places in the city. It reduces traffic, and accidents that may occur because of careless drivers. The state officials encourage public transportation because it reduces risks and it is also economic. They also encourage bike riding and walking. They build a lot of trails so that people that decide to walk do not have to worry about having to walk on the street where they can be put into any danger. Here in Houston, the state does not provide those types of options to people. You have pedestrians that walk in the streets putting their lives at risk, and then you have those that decide not to walk so they will not have to worry about putting themselves or their loved ones at risk. That is why most people decide that it is better to drive themselves somewhere, even if it is close, then to walk there. I would like to be encouraged into walking to different places, or to ride a bike around. It would be better for people to take that decision if there were sidewalks available all over the city, so that people could move around easier. This would be helpful in many different levels because it would create a better feature by, reducing the accidents that occur on a daily basis. It could also help the economy, because people would start saving more money. They would have more money to spend on other things needed, if they are saving gas money. They would not have to worry about having to earn a little more money to have to waste on other important things they might need. It can be improving for everyone. The bad thing is that not everyone feels the same way about using public transportation. Some rather save a little more money rather then having to depend on someone to drive them around. They never stop to think about the resources they are saving. I was researching the internet, trying to find articles that explored the subject about public transportation. It was very interesting to find different points of view over this topic. They were not really reliable resources, they were more like different opinions. I would like to explore this topic more reading different databases so that the information I may inquire can be precise. I would also like to read more about this subject in different newspapers like Houston Chronicle, to see what they think about this subject. When I was researching this newspaper online I realized that they don’t have any titles that cover this subject. I found it to be really upsetting to know that they do not cover important subjects like this in their news. It is very important for people to be able to get informed about things that are becoming a problem in their city. This way they will have a way to not only get informed but try to look for options to try and solve this error. Other resources would also help so that they can better inform themselves such as TV Shows, and other programs. This is a very important problem that does not get talked bout to much, so people do not really realize the problem we are facing. They do not try and do something about it because they probably think that it is something very insignificant, that other public organizations have not worried about advertising it as much. It is hard for me to assimilate the fact that we are missing out on a lot of information that can help us make a better our city an even more beautiful one.

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