Sunday, November 24, 2019

Effective Practices in Early Childhood Education

Effective Practices in Early Childhood Education Introduction Early childhood education is vital for the development of a child since it aids in the development of some skills that prepare them for further schooling (Currie 3). The skills to be acquired include cognitive skills with particular attention on Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Other developments include social well being and the emotional state of the child.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Practices in Early Childhood Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As much as high IQ levels do not always spell good adulthood, it has a positive correlation with success in various aspects of life and the level of IQ in young children can be affected through deficiencies (Currie 3). Early childhood education in such institutions as kindergartens is also important in preparing the child for further schooling and some studies have shown that about only 65 percent of children entering school are thought to be actually ready for school (Bredekamp 10). The Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model which was developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner tries to demonstrate the environment that rotates around the child and affects his or her development of the socialization skills (Bronfenbrenner 1). The Microsystems layer of his model indicates the environment that the child lives and relates with. This includes the people and the various institutions that the child interacts with. Mesosystems layer also affect the children even though they are not directly involved in the interactions. This layer shows the interactions that occur between people who revolve around the life of the child such as interactions between the parents and the children’s teachers or interactions among the child’s neighbours. The Exosystems layer includes the wider community where the child relates with and it includes the family friends, neighbours, the extended family and the media. The Macrosystems layer generall y includes the attitudes and perceptions and the laws of a particular group of people. These layers indicate the various components in a child’s life and determine how the life of the child will be shaped. In the Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model, the child is placed in the middle because all that happens around the child affects other people and consequently, what the child does also affect them (Bronfenbrenner 1). An example to show how these Exosystems influence the child can be seen when the life of the child is affected as a parent goes out of the country for further studies and only comes visiting once in a while. Observations I chose to observe the Pre-K classroom in the Daycare institution for my field experience assignment. The class consisted of children aged between 3 and 5, according to information obtained from one of the teachers. The Pre-K classroom had a total of sixty children and they were taught and coordinated by two teachers making the student- rat io 1:30. All the teachers in the Daycare facility had to have attained a certain level of education. They were all university graduates and had to have pursued a diploma in Psychology.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Teachers interacted freely with the pupils as they joined them in performing some of the activities. When a student asked for help the teachers were always ready to respond and assist. As much as the work was intense for the two teachers, they struggled to make sure that the children were assisted. The curriculum included oral, written and practical studies. The oral studies were supposed to improve their skills in expressing themselves, the writing was meant to improve their skills in presentation while the practical studies which included working in groups, improved their socialization skills. The interior design was well finished and despite the large number of students, each student had a chair and desk and enough space to perform their duties. After every two months, parents were invited to have a day-in-school with their children where they could interact with the teachers and check on the progress reports. This day was special as the children together with their parents were assigned into groups for interactive sessions. Reflection The student teacher ratio was 1:30 which is not healthy for learning of young children since they require sufficient attention and coordination (Marilyn 23). The teachers’ credentials were impressive and they possessed the necessary knowledge for handling the children (Bredekamp 6). The way they interacted with the children and the way they encouraged the children to get into groups improved their social skills (Bronfenbrenner 1). The curriculum was of high standard since it encouraged the development of social, emotional and cognitive skills (Bredekamp 3). The classroom environment was very conduc ive for learning. Daycare set aside certain days for parents to visit and this gave the teachers an opportunity to observe the interaction between the parents and the students so as to explain some of the developments of the children. Conclusions Early childhood education is important as prepares children for continued learning in elementary school and other forms of education (Bredekamp 3). The educators in the early childhood institutions also assist parent-who go away to work all day and cannot be with them-in nurturing their children. Special attention should therefore be paid so as to ensure that the childhood of every child is secured so as to ensure bright them of a bright future (Bredekamp 18).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Practices in Early Childhood Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Bredekamp, Sue. Effective Practices in Early Childhood Education: Building a Foundation. United States : Merrill, 2010. Print. Bronfenbrenner, Urie. The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979. Print. Currie, Jane. Early Childhood Education Programs. America: American Economic Association, 2001. Print. Marilyn, Fleer. Identifying Teacher-child interaction Which Scaffolds Scientific Thinking in Young Children. Australia: University of Canberra, 1992. Print. Papalia, Diane E. Wendkos, Sally And Fildman, Ruth. A child’s world: infancy through adolescence. McGraw: McGraw-Hill, 2002. Print.

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