Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Stalking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stalking - Essay Example This intake form is thus intended to gather some required information so as to make sure that the intensity or the level of the severity of the stalking can be realized. Basically, stalking is the sequence of actions by some person, that makes the victim feel that the fear of his or her safety. This action is known as Stalking. A person can be stalked in many ways such as following the victim, harassing him or her, continuously wandering around his or her house, unwanted communication by various modes or any other activity that is sufficient to make the victim feel frighten. Although the exact legal definition of stalking varies from constitution to constitution. However, the fundamentals are common in all of them. . Such as any undesirable contact between the stalker and the victim that would directly or indirectly threaten the victim of being unsafe. 1. On one or more occasion, the stalker has followed, placed under surveillance, made threats, restrained, confined, or behaved and/or made threats that caused the victim to fear immediate or future injury, death, or damage to property A first stalking conviction is a third degree felony and subsequent convictions are second degree felonies. In some cases, when charging a person with a crime of stalking, it may be appropriate to file additional charges. For example, if an assault with a deadly weapon occurs in addition to the stalking, the defendant should be charged with both crimes. INTAKE FORM Name: Age: Gender: Marital Status: How long you are married Occupation: Past Occupations: Do you know the stalker If yes, how do you know him Since when you know him Does he mention the (or is there any implied) reason for stalking you Since when you are being stalked What mode or modes are used to stalk you continuous physical following; Undesired communication (by using modes like letters, mails, telephone calls etc.); continuously wandering around your home contacting your family members, friends, or other relatives or members od your close social circle inappropriately; Threatening you using computer technologies, like email, instant messages etc. Others: (Please mention) What is the frequency of each of the above methods used to stalk you Do you receive all the threats at the same time If yes, when What is exactly the stalk message Do you know the past track record specially character record of the stalker If yes, please mention briefly his past record. (If you do not know the exact stalker, but if you suspect someone to be the stalker, even then attempt this question, since this is the most important measure in determining the severity of the issue). Mention your daily routine in detail, for example when do you go for work, what mode of transport you use and so on In your view, does the stalker have an idea of your routine What particular part of your routine, you think, is the most inviting one for stalker to fulfill his threats EVALUATION AND THE ASSESSMENT FORM This part describes that how various responses indicate the level of severity. Bio Data: The basic

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